Tess Olivia Butler 7/21/06 10:19PM

Click on any thumbnail to open the full-size photo in the second window.
July 22, 2006
20060722 Tess 013 Family.jpg (725591 bytes) 20060722 Tess 018 checking feet.jpg (1066630 bytes) 20060722 Tess 021 Granancy advice.jpg (2539287 bytes) 20060722 Tess 011 Family.jpg (526969 bytes)
20060722 Tess 012 Family.jpg (716628 bytes) 20060722 Tess 003 Glen holds Tess.jpg (741635 bytes) 20060722 Tess 015 Tess' Big Papi.jpg (1031414 bytes) 20060722 Tess 002 Granancy.jpg (759923 bytes)
20060722 Tess 009 Mother and Child (12 hours).jpg (612095 bytes) 20060722 Tess 010 Mother and child (12 hours).jpg (355754 bytes) 20060722 Tess 007 Glen and Tess.jpg (2253296 bytes) 20060722 Tess 022 Child awake.jpg (812606 bytes)
July 23, 2006
20060723 Tess 006 with Gray's Bib.jpg (2462143 bytes) 20060723 Tess 003 (2 days old).jpg (2827533 bytes) 20060723 Tess 012 walking with Daddy.jpg (2312917 bytes) 20060723 Tess 007 with Nancy.jpg (2466516 bytes)
20060723 Tess 016 Great Grandad.jpg (2466572 bytes) 20060723 Tess 009 cranky.jpg (2717231 bytes) 20060723 Tess 036 Big Papi.jpg (2903479 bytes) 20060723 Tess 002 Family on 2nd day.jpg (2585137 bytes)
20060723 Tess 037 yawn.jpg (2885529 bytes) 20060723 Tess 025 loving father.jpg (2471936 bytes) 20060723 Tess 030 1019PM.jpg (2845212 bytes) 20060723 Tess 019.jpg (873915 bytes)
20060723 Tess 015 Great Grandad.jpg (2431233 bytes) 20060723 Tess 029 pacifier.jpg (2766028 bytes) 20060723 Tess 038 four generations.jpg (2780011 bytes)  

Website comments to tnygreen@alumni.princeton.edu, please. Page last saved 06-Dec-2021.