Tess Olivia Butler, Age 3

Birthday Party at Build-A-Bear in Manhattan, July 18, 2009

To see a photo full-size, click on the picture. This will open up in a second window.

This is Tess' 3rd birthday.

Grandmother Deborah Skaggs and great-grandfather Jim visited from Louisville.

Aunt Kysa Nygreen and Uncle Arin Dube visited from San Francisco.

Locally, the party was attended by Mimi (grandma Nancy Nygreen) and Papi (grandpa Ted Nygreen), and also by great-grandfather Glen Nygreen.

20090718 067h Party Room.jpg (2035067 bytes)
The party room at Build-A-Bear
20090718 091h Jim,Deborah,Julian.jpg (1869399 bytes)
Julian smiles for his great-grandfather
and grandmother
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Metraluz restaurant at Grand Central where a Disney movie was being filmed
20090718 075h Restaurant scene.jpg (1735607 bytes)
Our table for 10 overlooking GCT main concourse

20090718 082h ordering meals.jpg (1871745 bytes)
Ordering dinner while tending to Jilian

20090718 016v Tess.jpg (727449 bytes)
Tess before the party started
20090718 020v Kris,Tess,Julian,Nancy.jpg (1083485 bytes)
Tess taking care of Julian
20090718 024v Tess.jpg (1056466 bytes)

20090718 090v Jim,Deborah,Julian.jpg (1320377 bytes)
Julian is a happy boy! (With grandmother especially)
20090718 033v Kysa,Julian.jpg (1001531 bytes)
Kysa practicing baby care

20090718 027v Tess.jpg (1019120 bytes)

20090718 046v Zach,Tess.jpg (1053123 bytes)
With a newly-built bear. . .

20090718 057v Patrick,Julian.jpg (828432 bytes)
Daddy with 4-mo old Julian

20090718 061v All with Bears.jpg (1068324 bytes)
All the 3-year olds with their bears

20090718 070v Dylan,Julian,Elliott.jpg (992870 bytes)
Dylan and Elliott prove they are great caregivers
20090718 089v Tess,Kristin.jpg (795140 bytes)
Happy with Mommy

20090718 026v Kysa,Arin.jpg (838176 bytes)
Kysa and Arin taking it all in

20090718 086v Tess in costume.jpg (451250 bytes)
Princess Tess dressed up

20090718 072v Tess,Dylan,Julian,Elliott.jpg (1079501 bytes)

20090718 074v Elliott,Tess,Kris,Julian.jpg (872819 bytes)

And some others taken at brunch the same day, before Tess' party:
20090718 013 Glen.jpg (411513 bytes)
Glen at brunch
20090718 015 Nancy.jpg (232722 bytes)
Nancy at brunch
20090718 014 Nancy.jpg (174817 bytes)
20090718 008h Tes,Glen,Kysa,Arin.jpg (1669286 bytes)
Ted, Glen, Kysa, Arin
20090718 005h Glen's living room.jpg (1948123 bytes)
Visiting Glen in his living room
20090718 009h Ted,Kysa.jpg (1259655 bytes)
Ted and Kysa at brunch
20090718 001h Kysa.jpg (1408862 bytes)
Our Kysa
20090718 004h family room work.jpg (2336766 bytes) On the left is a typical morning (or evening) at the
Nygreen house -- everyone working on their laptops. . .

Website comments to tnygreen@alumni.princeton.edu, please. Page last saved 06-Dec-2021.