Moguls & Dumplings - 2011

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Aspen:  Jan 29 - Feb 5, 2011

Only 6 Moguls and Dumplings this year: Nancy and Ted Nygreen, Michele and Dave Overley, Cindy and Dan Stowell

Joy and  Bill Pierce cancelled at the last minute due to medical reasons when Bill took a nasty spill in their kitchen.

The Frischmanns and the Hudachkos arrived in Aspen on February 6, missing us by a day. 

As usual, click any picture to download a full-sized photo into a separate window.  

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Opening night

Dan on the telephone (as usual)
Ted and Michele reunite on Day 11 First time up: Dan skis; Dave surveys...
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Nancy overlooking the scenery

Lunch break, cold
Ted at break
Nancy in the snow on day 2
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Powder started falling

Actually, skiing in the snow isn't bad
Dan preparing for a snowy afternoon
Nancy at  Ajax Sundeck for lunch
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Cindy and Nancy watching Ed

Dan  joins Cindy and Nancy watching Ed

Ed Petrocius installing a yellow lens on Ted's Bolle goggles
Nancy on a cold morning at Ajax
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Nancy and Ted at Ajax Sundeck
(beautiful scenery from the top)
Thursday: Nancy fell on Little Nell (!) after doing Gents Ridge (ironic)
Preparing Nancy for a ride down

Nancy heads to the bottom (already 95% there when she fell on Little Nell)
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Moguls and Dumplings at the new "Pitkin County Steakhouse" (formerly "Steak Pit")
Cindy, Dan and Patty outside the lodge after watching Twirp Anderson perform
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Nygreens and Stowells at dinner in Snowmass' "The Stew Pot"

Website comments to, please. Page last saved 06-Dec-2021.