Aspen 2012

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The Moguls and Dumplings again met up at Lift One Condos, Aspen, Colorado.

2012 Hiking up to Longshot.JPG (3198564 bytes) Climbing to Longshot: Kathy Boyle leads Michelle Overley and Leslie Schomaker 2012 Hiking up to Longshot - Dave, Nancy.JPG (3198818 bytes) Hiking up to Longshot
Dave Overley and Nancy Nygreen
2012 Hiking up to Longshot - Summit2.JPG (3102526 bytes) Climb to Longshot: Michelle, Leslie, Nancy, Dave 2012 Pierces.JPG (3093233 bytes) Joy and Bill Pierce
January 28, 2012
2012 Aspen  (2).JPG (3117640 bytes) Pre-dinner hors d'ouervres 2012 Kathy, Leslie, Dan, Bill.JPG (3083988 bytes) Kathy Boyle's smartphone gets a lot of attention from Leslie, Dan and Bill 2012 Michelle and Joy clowning.JPG (3113371 bytes) Michelle and Joy clowning

2012 Aspen  (4).JPG (3094852 bytes) Overleys - Michelle and Dave
2012 Aspen  (6).JPG (3267059 bytes) Cindy Stowell and Ted Nygreen

2012 Aspen  (7).JPG (3099413 bytes) Skiing with Ed Petrocius when the poma lift broke on top of Snowmass 2012 Snowmass meeting.JPG (3148901 bytes) Snowmass meeting place gives Kathy some time to work 2012 Aspen  (5).JPG (3104587 bytes) Ted Nygreen
2012 Aspen  (13).JPG (3121700 bytes) 2012 Aspen  (9).JPG (3069510 bytes) 2012 Aspen .JPG (3132281 bytes) x 2012 Aspen  (11).JPG (3098828 bytes)
Our last day at Snowmass merited a fancy lunch at a white-tableclothed restaurant, Gwyn's High Alpine.
The bizarre sculpture (at left) dominated the center of the restaurant...
2012 Aspen  (20).JPG (3141896 bytes) At the Silvertree Hotel, Twirp and the "Heart of the Rockies" entertain us 2012 Aspen  (17).JPG (3446054 bytes) Audience Pat, Michelle, Dave
(don't know the others...)
2012 Aspen  (19).JPG (3239492 bytes) Don Frischman and Ed Petrocius
enjoying the show
2012 Aspen  (14).JPG (3110873 bytes) Our group gathering after lunch, with clouds and snow (alas, not much snow, it didn't last long)
2012 Bus - Leslie and Kathy.JPG (3248252 bytes) Kathy Boyle and Leslie Schomaker
on the bus to Snowmass
2012 Dan Stowell.JPG (3090037 bytes) Daniel Stowell 2012 Dave Overley.JPG (3475033 bytes) David Overley 2012 Typical Dinner.JPG (3477836 bytes) Typical dinner table scene in back; Leslie in foreground
2012 Cooking Overleys.JPG (3099889 bytes) Overleys cooking on the first night

2012 Dave, Bill.JPG (3045642 bytes) Dave and Bill, with popcorn during the precocktail hour (i.e., before the hors d'ouervres) 2012 Typical Ed Petrocius.JPG (3088703 bytes) Dinner scene, with Ed Petrocius 2012 Typical Ed Petrocius2.JPG (3118714 bytes) More dinner with Ed
2012 Highlands Boot Change.JPG (3129699 bytes) Highlands Base Lodge
Kathy, Nancy, Leslie
2012 Highlands Loge Peak.JPG (3097224 bytes) Nancy, Leslie, Kathy
at the top of Highlands
2012 Ted and Nancy (Loge Peak).JPG (3088580 bytes) Nancy and Ted on Loge Peak 2012 Ted and Nancy (Loge Peak2).JPG (3079268 bytes) Nancy and Ted (again) on Loge Peak
2012 Top of Ajax Kathy Boyle.JPG (3070471 bytes) Kathy Boyle, top of AJAX 2012 Top of Ajax Nancy Leslie.JPG (3172466 bytes) Sisters Nancy Nygreen and Leslie Schomaker at the top of AJAX
2012 Typical Pre-Dinner.JPG (3065533 bytes) Typical pre-dinner gathering 2012 Typical Dinner Dessert.JPG (3577700 bytes) Typical informal desserts
2012 Top of Ajax Nancy Ted Artistic.JPG (3147130 bytes) Nygreens at the top of Ajax

2012 Top of Ajax Nancy Ted Dark.JPG (3072700 bytes) Nygreens on the top of AJAX 2012 Top of Ajax Kathy working2.JPG (3092003 bytes) Kathy checking in with her office
"How's the market doing?"
2012 Top of Ajax Kathy working.JPG (3081268 bytes) Kathy working from the top of AJAX
Greg Daake 2012 on Ruthies close-up.JPG (3383788 bytes) Close-up of Greg Daake on Ruthies Greg Daake 2012 on Ruthies panorama.JPG (3036082 bytes) Greg Daake on Ruthies Run
(nice panorama)
2012 Top of Ajax Kathy and Greg.JPG (3106880 bytes) Kathy and Greg 2012 Top of Ajax Greg Daake.JPG (3087219 bytes) Greg Daake is a man we met on the main Aspen gondola
Rich Folks Homes.JPG (3184391 bytes) Rich folks' homes on the other side of the valley
Rich Folks View of Aspen.JPG (3051349 bytes) Rich folks' view of Aspen Mountain
across the valley
Rich Folks View of Buttermilk.JPG (3086453 bytes) Rich folks' view of Buttermilk Mountain
across the valley

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