Aspen 2013
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click on the picture.
Sadly, Joy and Bill Pierce could not join us this year due to health. They were missed and we telephoned them several
times to share stories from the group and vice versa.
The Moguls and Dumplings again met up at Lift One Condos, Aspen, Colorado, January 26 through February 2,
2013. Upon arrival, the mountains were "bare," but it was snowing lightly. By mid-week, there was 18" of new
Dan praised the skiing conditions. Michelle claimed it was the best snow ever. On Thursday (AJAX) and Friday
(Highlands) we had plentiful sun and the most excellent ski conditions we can remember. Hard to beat that!
This year we had new additions to the group: Debbie and Peter Austin, and Margaret Marshall (Leslie
Schomaker's friend from New Hampshire). Great group!
2013 members present: Cindy and Dan Stowell, Michelle and Dave Overley, Karen Hudachko,
Nancy and Ted Nygreen, Debbie and Peter Austin, Leslie Schomaker, Margaret Marshall, Pat and Don Frischmann.

Dinner out on the last night. Seated: Dan, Leslie, Margaret, Dave, Michelle. Standing: Cindy, Nancy, Ted, Don, Pat.
(Missing: Karen, Debbie, Peter).

On AJAX: Leslie, Dan, Margaret, Ted |

Michelle (center) with "newnies" Margaret Marshall and Debbie Austin |

Convening with leader Dan on a slope at Snowmass

Lunch break at AJAX |

Dan Stowell and Peter Austin |

Leslie Schomaker in the condo checking youTube videos for our entertainment

Debbie Austin and her knitting |

Michelle and Dave Overley |

Waiting for our morning bus, one block from Lift One, on Aspen Street (in the snow)

The camera lens was snowy so it's hard to see Ed Petrocius lying down in the middle

Another photo - this one taken by Ed so Ted is in the picture |

Different day, different weather

Leslie, Margaret, Nancy stretching (to a DVD that Leslie brought). Such discipline!

Breakfast time in Room 406: Nancy Nygreen, Peter and Debbie Austin |

Typical skiing (Nancy in red, Don in white)

Condo kitchen: Pat explaining stuff to Margaret and Leslie

Leslie Schomaker |

Dan and Cindy Stowell

Margaret Marshall on top of Aspen mountain |

Nancy and Ted Nygreen at lunch |

Peter and Debbie Austin

This is a good photo to download and crop if you want. L-R: Leslie, Nancy, Peter, Dave, Michelle, Dan, Karen (Shadow
is Ted)

A typical lunch table |

Dave and Michelle Overley

Leslie, Dan, Margaret, Nancy |

Nancy and Ted Nygreen after lunch on the top of Aspen Mountain |

Don Frischmann introducing Debbie and Peter Austin to the Moguls & Dumplings on our first night at Lift One

Pre-dinner cocktail time: Dan, Peter, Ted, Margaret, Michelle |

On top of Ajax: Nancy, Leslie, Margaret |

Wednesday night with Ed Petrocius (and his girlfriend Janee)

Kitchen duty: Karen, Michelle
(off duty: Nancy and Margaret) |

Ted Nygreen with award from Ed Petrocius: "Snowmass Junior Paroller" (an honor that I will of course cherish

Ed Petrocius and Janee

Janee's birthday is February 3 (Super Bowl Sunday this year) so we had cake |

Only a little cake left (it was that good)
(Janee is 69 - WOW she is young looking!) |

Typical dinner with a crowd in the condo.
Here's Don and Dave eating at the bar.

Typical dinner with a crowd in the condo.
View from the Living Room. |

Typical dinner with a crowd in the condo.
View of the dining table. |

Typical dinner with a crowd in the condo.
View from the entry hall.

Welcome, Margaret! |

At dinner on the last night: 2/1/2013
This is NOT the same as the picture at the top of this page, so choose which you like. |