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Kathryn Nygreen and Andrew Austin
Thanksgiving Dinner on November 27, 2003
at Kathryn's house (before the wedding!)

To see a photo full-size, click on the picture.
The photos are large: 2448x1632 pixels, or 2560x1920, on average 1.5MB each.

Related Links:
Wedding November 29, 2003
Photos of Rehearsal and dinner
Photos earlier in 2003 in preparation

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1978 Brane Cantenac (double magnum).

Kathryn was born in 1978, so it was appropriate.

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Kristin and Patrick were married in October, so this was their first Thanksgiving as a married couple.

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Website comments to tnygreen@alumni.princeton.edu, please. Page last saved 06-Dec-2021.