Ted Nygreen's Display (only when error logging in as tnygreen)

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Usernames in database = 10 (as of 3/13/2025)

Butler, Tesstessolivia2006@icloud.comZeta6 -- 8/15/2023Granddaughter #1
Holiday, Jayjpholiday@sbcglobal.netJP0 -- Buster Leo's grandson
Nygreen, Byronbnygreen@telepath.comcousin18 -- 12/22/2016Ted's cousin (son of Uncle Paul)
Nygreen, Katkathrynaustin@nygreen.comprinceton8 -- 1/31/2019K3
Nygreen, Kristinkristin@nygreen.comprinceton9 -- 8/15/2023K1
Nygreen, Kysakysa@nygreen.comprinceton8 -- 12/29/2022K2
Nygreen, Nancynancy@nygreen.comprinceton15 -- 1/31/2019Matriarch
Nygreen, Tedtnygreen@alumni.princeton.edu8543246 -- 2/9/2025Patriarch
Nygren, Testtnygreen@gmail.comtesting/temp0 -- 4/19/2022a tgest account!
yitu, wangwangyitu-se@sohu.com16897168/temp0 -- 2/9/2023Hello,Nancy Nygreen,I am a Chinese Championship Manager 4 player,I have been using CM4Pregame to modify the CM4's database,I'm not sure if you are the author of this software,So I took the liberty to contact you,I hope you don't get angry.


Website comments to tnygreen@alumni.princeton.edu, please. Page last saved 07-Jan-2022.