20071020 Judith BDay 026 Andrew welcomes.jpg (3665110 bytes) 20071020 Judith BDay 031 Judith and Andrew happy.jpg (3777326 bytes) 20071020 Judith BDay 062 birthday.jpg (4094985 bytes) 20071020 Judith BDay 032 Judith and Andrew happy.jpg (3826685 bytes)

Judith Economos Birthday Party
October 2007 Celebration (10/20/2007)

To see a photo full-size in a second window, click on the picture.

20071020 Judith BDay 030 Judith and Andrew happy.jpg (1951767 bytes)

20071020 Judith BDay 005 Glen, Andrew.jpg (3551199 bytes) 20071020 Judith BDay 010 Mike and Pucci McGill (good).jpg (3477312 bytes) 20071020 Judith BDay 008 Joy, Tootie, Marvin, Nancy.jpg (3417308 bytes) 20071020 Judith BDay 002 Ted, J, Glen, Nancy.jpg (3717220 bytes)
20071020 Judith BDay 011 Anne and Mario Federici (good).jpg (3964135 bytes) 20071020 Judith BDay 012 Elleni and Manoli Lelekis.jpg (3338283 bytes) 20071020 Judith BDay 067 Lollo and her painting.jpg (3746784 bytes) 20071020 Judith BDay 006 O'Neils, Economos.jpg (3435763 bytes)
20071020 Judith BDay 025 Powells (good).jpg (3498115 bytes) 20071020 Judith BDay 047 Kaufmans (good).jpg (3897696 bytes) 20071020 Judith BDay 029 Audience responds.jpg (3715910 bytes) 20071020 Judith BDay 009 Manoli Lelekis, Elias Karounos.jpg (3841152 bytes)
20071020 Judith BDay 065v Mike McGill, Lollo (good).jpg (3658105 bytes) 20071020 Judith BDay 051v Tootie and Mac.jpg (3925205 bytes) 20071020S 006 Judith and Mark (mother and son).jpg (63954 bytes) 20071020S 010 Andrew at end of party.jpg (22761 bytes)
20071020 Judith BDay 001 J, Glen, Nancy.jpg (4070281 bytes) 20071020 Judith BDay 003 Dwight (May 21) and Roxy (Dec 5).jpg (3987611 bytes) 20071020 Judith BDay 013 Top, Mke O'Neil.jpg (3635666 bytes) 20071020 Judith BDay 014 Ted, Barbara McDonald.jpg (3729576 bytes)
20071020 Judith BDay 016 Andrew, Sonal.jpg (3448510 bytes) 20071020 Judith BDay 017 Sonal, Mark Economos.jpg (2055324 bytes) 20071020 Judith BDay 019 Edith, Glen, Judy, Ted.jpg (3714427 bytes) 20071020 Judith BDay 020 Mac, Tootie, Ann.jpg (3305052 bytes)
20071020 Judith BDay 023 Len, Anne, Nancy, Ted.jpg (2188046 bytes) 20071020 Judith BDay 036 Andrew and Audrey (and the funny guy).jpg (3993883 bytes) 20071020 Judith BDay 038 Audrey, Mark, Nancy.jpg (4292643 bytes) 20071020 Judith BDay 045 Anne, Georgia Karounos.jpg (4643801 bytes)
20071020 Judith BDay 048 Nancy, Mark Economos, J.jpg (3772111 bytes) 20071020 Judith BDay 053 Top, Mosers.jpg (4504365 bytes) 20071020 Judith BDay 021 Ted, Judith.jpg (3589411 bytes) 20071020S 001 Georgia and Elias Karounos.jpg (58262 bytes)
20071020S 002 Ted.jpg (22862 bytes) 20071020S 003 Anne Federici, Ted.jpg (43079 bytes) 20071020S 004 Mike Powell, Ted, Nancy.jpg (32155 bytes) 20071020S 005 Judith and Mark (mother and son).jpg (43397 bytes)
20071020S 006 Judith and Mark (mother and son).jpg (63954 bytes) 20071020S 007 Seymour and Audrey Topping (good).jpg (32526 bytes) 20071020S 008 Judy and Len Polisar (good).jpg (37620 bytes) 20071020S 009 Judith at end of party.jpg (43793 bytes)

Website comments to tnygreen@alumni.princeton.edu, please. Page last saved 06-Dec-2021.