20041231 (08) Andrew Economos welcome.JPG (1376912 bytes) 20041231 (02) Nancy, J, Sonal, Audrey.JPG (1567000 bytes) 20041231S (01) .JPG (690600 bytes) 20041231 (25) Polisars good picture.JPG (1603182 bytes)

Economos' New Year's Eve 2004

To see a photo full-size in a separate window, click on the picture.

12/31/2004 Judith and Andrew Economos hosted a small, very nice New Year's dinner party in their glorious home in Scarsdale. Guests were Audrey and Seymour Topping, Judy and Len Polisar, Nancy and Ted Nygreen, Sonal Vaidya and Glen Nygreen.

20041231 (05) Table.JPG (2063002 bytes) 20041231S (06) table.JPG (708170 bytes) 20041231S (19) .JPG (741266 bytes) 20041231 (11) Judy Polisar, AME at table.JPG (1809254 bytes)
20041231 (10) Glen, Sonal at table.JPG (1643676 bytes) 20041231 (12) Audrey, Len Polisar at table.JPG (1800461 bytes) 20041231 (09) J.jpg (1161118 bytes) 20041231 (24) Andrew intent.JPG (1392382 bytes)
20041231S (03) Top, AME at bar.JPG (721927 bytes) 20041231S (05) Druk Yul.JPG (749565 bytes) 20041231S (25) Glen, Nancy in LR.JPG (1656459 bytes) 20041231S (31) N, J in LR.JPG (1689418 bytes)
20041231S (21) men with top hats.JPG (740513 bytes) 20041231 (16) tipping the hats.jpg (1216004 bytes) 20041231S (23) women with balloons.JPG (730028 bytes) 20041231 (18) women balloons on heads.jpg (1123641 bytes)
20041231 (13) Glen with hat on.JPG (1435041 bytes) 20041231S (13) J, Audrey passion.JPG (748896 bytes) 20041231S (14) N, Glen, Len LR conversation.JPG (718714 bytes) 20041231S (16) J, N, Toppings celebrate.JPG (741556 bytes)
20041231 (19) Glen toast.JPG (1653294 bytes) 20041231S (28) conversation.JPG (1646403 bytes) 20041231 (01) Top, Glen serious.JPG (1869813 bytes) 20041231S (29) Sugarfoot.JPG (1559860 bytes)

Website comments to tnygreen@alumni.princeton.edu, please. Page last saved 06-Dec-2021.