Nancy's Family Many Generations Ago...

In 2005, Leslie researched one of her ancestors, Dr. George de Benneville, eight generations before her. This is a fascinating reconstructed biography of an extremely interesting man who lived 1703-1793 in England, France, Germany, and America -- a time when religion ruled societies and almost all wars and violence were religion-motivated. Dr. de Benneville was an instrumental figure (a "founder") of the Universalist Church, which was organized as a denomination in the 18th century and merged with the Unitarian Church in 1960.

Click this to open a PDF with Leslie's detailed research paper
(opens in a separate window/tab)
Keim Home 01 - Cover Page.jpg (2870537 bytes)  Keim Home 02 - Family Tree.jpg (3415573 bytes)
clicking any image on this page opens the picture in a separate window or tab
Geneology developed by Leslie de Benneville Miller_Page_7.jpg (1180436 bytes) An ancestry chart developed by Leslie (probably around 2000) showing genealogy back 9 generations. Really interesting, although conspicuously missing detailed info in the appendix/notes about Kristin/Kysa/Kathryn families (but we can update that some day).

This is a PDF of the genealogy printout from Leslie's ancestry program years ago. It is one page of descendant names followed by 5 pages of typed notes on the individuals identified. Some of the notes are difficult to read in the printout, but still intelligible.

Click here to open Leslie's genealogy PDF
(opens in a separate window/tab)

Home of Mr/Mrs George de Benneville Keim
1122-24 Spruce Street, Philadelphia

Curb Appeal -- Streetside view

Keim Home 03 - Front View.jpg (1886719 bytes)

Umbrella Room

Keim Home 04 - Umbrella Room.jpg (2035712 bytes)

Second Story Landing

Keim Home 05 - Second Story Landing.jpg (2195123 bytes)

Front Dining Room, Spruce Street.jpg

Keim Home 06 - Front Dining Room, Spruce Street.jpg (2644720 bytes)

Back Drawing Room and Conservatory.jpg

Keim Home 07 - Back Drawing Room and Conservatory.jpg (2485833 bytes)

Dining Room.jpg

Keim Home 08 - Dining Room.jpg (2229628 bytes)


Keim Home 09 - Library.jpg (2209222 bytes)


Keim Home 10 - Library.jpg (2335082 bytes)

Yellow Room.jpg

Keim Home 11 - Yellow Room.jpg (2095947 bytes)

Yellow Room.jpg

Keim Home 12 - Yellow Room.jpg (2371424 bytes)

Red Room.jpg

Keim Home 13 - Red Room.jpg (2259892 bytes)

Mr and Mrs Keim Room.jpg

Keim Home 14 - Mr and Mrs Keim Room.jpg (2357958 bytes)

Website comments to, please. Page last saved 06-Dec-2021.