Nygreen Family Website

Nygreen Family 2024

Nancy and Ted Nygreen November 2022 Nancy Nygreen created this website in the early 1990s for her consulting business known as Nygreen Management. For the past few years, Nancy has been winding down her consulting practice, taking on only a very few assignments each year. So this website has therefore transitioned into a family website -- starting small but will be extended.

During the pandemic, Nancy took on only a few research consulting projects: those that didn't require travel; i.e., a lot of telephone interviews and Zoom meetings; no in-person focus groups or meetings.

So with reduced consulting work due to Covid, she discovered much more time to ride her horse ("Halle") every day. However, in early 2023 she sold Halle and is now horseless for the first time in 25 years.

The "Ted and Nancy" Branch of Nygreens

Aspen, Nancy, Ted on 12/5/2021 in Bedford There are only a few "Nygreens" with 2 e's in the name, because Theodore W. Nygren of Bellingham, Washington, added the extra "e" in the early 1900s. His three sons (Glen, Howard, Paul) propagated the dual-e Nygreen name. So in total, there are relatively few Nygreens.

This website centers around the family of Glen's son, Ted Nygreen. Ted and Nancy have three children: Kristin, Kysa, Kathryn. They lived in Princeton NJ (32 years), White Plains NY (15 years), and now in Bedford NY since 2013. Most of this website - specifically the password-protected private areas - are devoted to those three daughters and their families.

Family Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving 2023 Thanksgiving is one time the entire family gets together for a 5-day "long weekend." The immediate family consists of our 3 daughters, their spouses, and 7 grandchildren, so we have 15 humans and 6 dogs living in our house. It's always a wonderful, fun experience... and not as crowded as it might sound because there are 6 bathrooms!

As of 2022

Annual July vacation in Bedford and a Broadway Musical It's fun to line up the grandchildren every year somewhere around the pool; this photo is one in an annual series that illustrates how they grow every year (!)

Needless to say, they spend a lot of the time in Bedford around the pool.

Grandchildren as of 2021

Newport 2021Our seven grandchildren are getting older every year. (no surprise!)

Here they are during the 2021 summer in Newport... (oops, where's Julian?)

And More. . . .

Now that this website has transitioned from Nancy's consulting to a family website, we will probably be adding more pages that will have limited interest outside the family... (!)

Website comments to tnygreen@alumni.princeton.edu. Today is 10/22/2024 6:08:35 PM ET