Nygreen Family Website

G. Theodore Nygreen - Publications
[Chronological order]

1969 - A FORTRAN IV Program for Density Cluster Analysis of Survey Research Data. Office for Survey Research and Statistical Studies, Princeton University.

1970 - Subjective Social Class in America: 1946-68 (with E. M. Schreiber).
Social Forces Vol. 48, No. 3 (March 1970): 348-356.

1970 - User-Designed Documents.
RCA Operations Research Technical Report 70-1.
RCA Laboratories, Princeton NJ.

1971 - A Density Clustering Approach.
Office of Survey Research and Statistical Studies (OSRSS),
Princeton University.

1971 - Interactive Path Analysis.
American Sociologist Vol. 6 (February 1971): 37-44.

1971 - Interpretation of Path Models: The Comparison of Direct and Indirect Effects.
Office of Survey Research and Statistical Studies (OSRSS),
Princeton University

1971 - Political Generations. Ph.D. dissertation,
Department of Sociology, Princeton University.

1971 - Selective Dump and Reload for DMS Users.
RCA Laboratories Technical Report PRRL-71-TR-032.

1971 - TABLE: A System of Utility Programs for TDOS/DMS.
RCA Laboratories Technical Report PRRL-71-TR-193.

1971 - The Aging-Republicanism Hypothesis Re-examined.
Department of Sociology, Princeton University.

1972 - An Executive Command Processor and Disc File Maintenance System: SHAZAM. RCA Laboratories Technical Report PRRL-72-TR-068.

1972 - Class and Party in Post-Industrial Society.
Department of Sociology, Princeton University.

1972 - Pfadanalyse: Ein Statistisches Verfahren zur Untersuchung Linearer Kausalmodelle (with H. D. Seibel). Zeitschrift Fur Sozialpsychologie
(March 1972): 5-12.

1973 - Blood Donor Studies and Donor Recruitment in Blood Service Systems. Complete Research Proposal in response to HEW's RPF NHLI-73-16 for the American Association of Blood Banks.

1973 - The NBC Computerized Personalities Index.
National Broadcasting Company, New York, NY.

1973 - The NBC Video Reference Recording System.
National Broadcasting Company, New York, NY.

1974 - Information Management 1975: The Systems Concept (with J. O. Leonard). Information and Records Management Vol. 8 (November 1974).

1975 - Solutions Tailored to Problems.
Infosystems (January 1975): 46-47.

1975 - The Systems Approach to Information and Records Management (with J. O. Leonard). Information and Records Management Vol. 9 (February 1975): 8ff.

1976 - The Management Information Systems Viewpoint.
Records Management Quarterly Vol. 10 (January 1976): 38-39.

1978Structured Programming and Top-Down Program Design.
National Broadcasting Company, New York, NY.
NBC-published MIS coding and design standards, originally released 1975.

1985 - Assessment of RMIS User Needs
Pathways to RMIS, Edited by James D. Blinn and Mitchell J. Cole, Risk Management Society Publishing Inc., 13-20.

1989 - Employee Surveys: Technology for the Future.
Topics in Total Compensation Vol. 4, No. 2 (November 1989): 127-137.

1991 - Employee Benefits Satisfaction.
Special Report (published by The Alexander Consulting Group and ISR Corporation, July).

1992 - Attitude Surveys.
Human Resources: Policies and Practices. Warren, Gorham and Lamont: 23,121-23,148.

1993 - Benefits Surveys
Special Report (published by The Alexander Consulting Group).

1992 - New Approaches to Employee Surveys
FOCUS, Volume 2, Number 4, The Alexander Consulting Group
(July-August): 1-3.

1993 - Balancing Work and Personal Life
Special Report (published by The Alexander Consulting Group).

1993 - Focusing on Focus Groups
FOCUS, Volume 3, Number 4, The Alexander Consulting Group
(July-August): page 1-2.

1993 - How Flex Plan Managers Can Make The Most of In-House Polls
Institute of Management & Administration, Managing Flexible Benefits Plans Issue 93-8, August 1993: 2-3.

1993 - Attitude Surveys
Special Report (published by The Alexander Consulting Group).

1993 - HR Information Requirements Analysis
Special Report (published by The Alexander Consulting Group).

1994 - Virtual HRIS
Editor of The Review, the Journal of the Association of Human Resource Systems Professionals (HRSP), February/March 1994.

1994 - Communication of Change is Sincere But Ineffective
CCM Communicator, Vol. 11, No. 5, May 1994.

1994 - Workflow Management
Editor of The Review, the Journal of the Association of Human Resource Systems Professionals (HRSP), December/January 1995.

G. Theodore Nygreen - Professional Presentations
[Chronological Order]

1969 - Cluster Analytic Techniques for Survey Research.
American Sociological Association (ASA),
National Conference, 64th Annual Meeting,
San Francisco, California, September 1969.

1970 - User Considerations in Advanced Time Sharing Systems.
RCA MIS Technical Committee,
Cherry Hill, New Jersey, March 25, 1970.

1971 - Class Cleavages in Party Identification: 1952-68.
American Sociological Association (ASA),
National Conference, 66th Annual Meeting,
Denver, Colorado, September 1971.

1973 - Television and Politics.
International Political Science Association (IPSA),
IX Congress, Montreal, Canada, August 23, 1973.

1973 - Information Systems and Blood Bank Administration.
American Association of Blood Banks (AABB)
National Conference, 26th Annual Meeting,
Bal Harbour, Florida, November 14, 1973.

1973 - Vital Records.
13th Annual RCA Procedures and Records Management Conference,
Cherry Hill, New Jersey, November 19, 1973.

1973 - Systems Analysis and Records Management.
American Records Management Association (ARMA),
New Jersey Chapter.

1974 - Dealing With Systems Management
American Records Management Association (ARMA),
New York Chapter, April 1, 1974.

1974 - The Records Manager and the Systems Analyst.
American Records Management Association, Boston Chapter,
Boston, Massachusetts, April 18, 1974.

1974 - The Systems Approach to Information Management.
American Records Management Association Region VII Seminar,
Great Gorge, New Jersey, April 30, 1974

1974 - Using Computers to Manage Records.
American Management Association (AMA),
New York, NY, July 18, 1974.

1974 - Information Management: The Systems Approach.
American Records Management Association,
National Conference, 19th Annual Meeting,
Seattle, Washington, October 1974.

1975 - RM and MIS: Systems and People.
American Records Management Association, Wescon Chapter,
Greenwich, Connecticut, April 9, 1975.

1975 - Systems, MIS, Records Management, and Technology.
American Records Management Association (ARMA),
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 15, 1975.

1975Systems Tools for Management: Charting and Modelling.
American Records Management Association, Region VII Seminar,
Framingham, Massachusetts, May 19, 1975.

1976 - Television Data for Empirical Analysis.
International Studies Association,
17th Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, February, 25, 1976.

1976 - Television Serving the Community.
Community Educational Institute for Humanistic Television Programming,
Philadelphia Board of Education, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, March 11, 1976.

1976 - Corporate MIS and Records Management.
Spring Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota, April 19, 1976.

1976 - Procedure Manuals.
American Records Management Association (ARMA),
Minneapolis, Minnesota, April 30, 1976.

- 1976 - Programmer Productivity Techniques.
RCA Management Information Systems Council,
Cherry Hill, New Jersey, June 9, 1976.

1977 - Keeping Up With Technology.
American Records Management Association (ARMA),
Minneapolis, Minnesota, April 18, 1977.

1978 - Careers in Data Processing.
Professional Roster Career Seminar, Princeton, New Jersey, April 25, 1978.

1978 - The Great Computer Revolution of 1975.
American Records Management Association (ARMA),
Los Angeles, California, June 1, 1978.

1978 - Implementation of Structured Programming Techniques.
Univac Users Conference (USE Inc.),
Toronto, Canada, September 15, 1978.

1978 - The Office of the Future.
American Records Management Association,
National Conference, 23rd Annual Meeting,
Washington, D.C., October 11, 1978.

1978 - Managing Under the New Technologies.
American Institute of Industrial Engineers, New York, NY,
November 14, 1978.

- 1978Structured Programming.
Univac Users Association (USE Inc.), New York, NY,
December 13, 1978.

1979 - Murphy's Law Explains It.
American Records Management Association, Toronto Chapter,
Toronto, Canada, January 30, 1979.

1979 - Office Automation.
American Records Management Association, Pittsburgh Chapter,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, March 12, 1979.

1979 - New Technology for the Automated Office.
American Records Management Association,
National Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, October 9, 1979.

1980 - Information Technology for the 80's.
American Records Management Association, New Jersey Chapter,
January 21, 1980.

1982 - Risk Management Information Systems
RIMS, New Jersey Chapter, Parsippany, NJ October 20, 1982

1983 - Information Technology for Risk Management
RIMS, Northeastern Illinois Chapter, Des Plaines, March 10, 1983.

1983 - State of the Art Information Systems
National conference of RIMS, Los Angeles, April 27, 1983

1984 - Risk Management Information Systems of the Future.
Risk & Insurance Management Society (RIMS), New York, April 4, 1984.

1985 - Funding Analysis. Risk & Insurance Management Society (RIMS),
New Orleans, April 16, 1985.

1987 - Data Systems for HRM.
Virginia Association for Hospital Personnel Administration (VAHPA),
Virginia Beach, Virginia, September 24, 1987.

1988 - Artificial Intelligence.
Institute for International Research, New York, NY,
March 16, 1988.

1988 - Expert Systems What Are We Waiting For?
Human Resource Systems Professionals Annual Conference (HRSP),
San Francisco, California, June 13, 1988.

1990 - Introducing Change in the 1990's.
Bucks County Management Council, Langhorne, Pennsylvania,
January 9, 1990.

1990 - Managing Organizational Change.
Keynote Address, Annual Conference, Bucks County Management Association,
Newtown, Pennsylvania, May 22, 1990.

1992 - Trends in Benefits Satisfaction.
Tampa, Florida, January 28, 1992;
Detroit, Michigan, April 28, 1992.

1992 - Employee Research for Flexible Benefits.
Employers' Council on Flexible Compensation (ECFC), Arlington, VA, July 13, 1992.

1992 - Health Care in the U.S. — ECFC/SIIA 1992 Survey Results
National Press Club, Washington DC, October 21, 1992.

1992 - Encouraging Employee Involvement.
Human Resource Executive Forum
Laguna Niguel, CA, October.

1993 - Fostering a Partnership With Your Employees
Advanced Flex II, Employers' Council on Flexible Compensation (ECFC), Washington DC, May 14, 1993.

1993 - HR’s Role in TQM
Human Resources Executive Forum
Sanibel Island, FL, October 5, 1993.

1993 - Evaluating the Range of Technology Choices for Benefits Administration
Institute for International Research
New York City, October 18, 1993.

1994 - Organizational Diagnosis
East Coast Airline Personnel Executives Association
New York City, February 17, 1994.

1994 - Trends in Benefits Administration — Applications for Technology
International Foundation of Employee Benefits Plans, Trustees and Administrators Institute,
Disney Yacht & Beach Club Resort, March 1, 1994.

1994 - Attitude Surveys
New York SHRM Directors Forum
April 6, 1994

1994 - Human Resource Center Technology — The Future Is Now
Risk & Insurance Management Society (RIMS) National Conference
New Orleans, April 19, 1994.

1994 - Workflow Management Software
New England Regional HRSP meeting
Andover, MA, September 27, 1994

And . . . . and . . . . and then I stopped keeping track...


Ted Nygreen resume - narrative profile

Rotary Service review - chronological summary

Life of Ted Nygreen - very short, humorous(?) life story

CV Publications/Speeches - [this page] articles and presentations up to 1994 (when I stopped recording)

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